
Chat with Nguyen Phuong Anh - Talented students win 100% scholarships


Chat with Nguyen Truc Uyen - Talented students win 100% scholarships

In addition to excellent academic achievements such as GPA 9.7, IELTS 8.0 or SAT 1550, what tips does Duc Anh have to conquer the Admissions Council? Let's chat with me to learn about the journey of "hunting" for scholarships to prestigious universities!

“Be prepared early and have a plan”

According to Duc Anh, I started building a US study abroad application quite late. This has made the process of completing my application much more difficult and stressful. In a short period of time, I had to try to do all the things like preparing for the SAT, researching my interests and abilities to choose a major, preparing my study abroad application, and writing the required essays. of each University, fill out financial statements and fill out a financial aid application from the schools. However, Duc Anh shared, no matter how arduous and difficult the process of preparing a study abroad application is, as long as people have faith in themselves, nothing is impossible.

Another secret that Duc Anh wants to share with those of you who are planning to apply to study in the US is to not hesitate to ask questions. In my opinion, asking questions is extremely important, especially concerns related to the university application process because if there is a mistake, it may miss a lot of good scholarship opportunities. Once you start asking questions, students will find it easy to solve and most respondents are more than happy to answer questions.

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